rubik cube game

rubik's cube applet
Monday, January 26, 2009 at 1:34 AM | a some basic words in korean to English...
Its quite usefull!!

Hankuko = English)

* Ne = Yes
* A-nim-ni-da , A-ni-yo = No
* Kam-sa-ham-ni-da = Thank you
* Te-dan-hi Kam-sa-ham-ni-da = Thank you very much
* Chon-man-e Mal-sum-im-ni-da = You're welcome
* Pu-di, Che-bal = Please
* Che-song-ham-ni-da = Excuse me
* An-nyong Ha-se-yo = Hello
* An-nyong-hi Ka-ship-sio = Goodbye
* An-nyong-hi = So long
* An-nyong Ha-shim-ni-ka = Good morning
* An-nyong Ha-shim-ni-ka = Good afternoon
* An-nyong Ha-shim-ni-ka = Good evening
* An-nyong-hi Chu-mu-ship-sio = Good night

* Chal Mo-ru-ge-sum-ni-da = I do not understand
* I-go-sul [Yong-o-ro] Mo-ra-go-ham-ni-ka? = How do you say this in [English]?
* ...rul(ul) Mal-ha-shim-ni-ka? = Do you speak ...
* Yong-o = English
* Pul-o = French
* Dok-il-o = German
* Spe-ino = Spanish
* Chung-kuk-mal = Chinese

* Na = I
* U-ri = We
* No = You (singular, familiar)
* Tang-shin = You (singular, formal)
* Tang-shin-dul = You (plural)
* Ku-dul = They
* Tang-shin Iru-mun Muwo-shim-ni-ka? = What is your name?
* Man-na-so Pan-kap-sum-ni-da = Nice to meet you.
* Otoke Chi-ne-go-ke-shim-ni-ka? = How are you?
* Cho-sum-ni-da = Good
* Shil-sum-ni-da = Bad
* Ku-jo ku-ro-sum-ni-da = So so

* A-ne, Cho = Wife
* Nam-pyon = Husband
* Tal = Daughter
* Adul = Son
* O-mo-ni = Mother
* A-bo-ji = Father
* Chin-gu = Friend

* Hwa-jang-sil-i O-die Isum-ni-ka? = Where is the bathroom? Where is the toilet?
Posted by Jai Labels:



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